[最も好ましい] タタラ・フォロン 327471-タタラ フォロン
歌:タタラ・フォロン(CV神谷 浩史)・サイキ・レンバルト(CV小西 克幸) タイトル:『The First Movement 「光の旋律/証 akashi」』 01.光の旋律 Lyricsこだまさおり MusicTODA KOHEI ArrangeNOIZ'n GIRL Vocal:タタラ・フォロン(神谷浩史) 02.証 akashi Lyrics:こだまさおり Music/Arrangesolaya VocalJa タタラ・フォロン Gender Identity male Height (in cm) 178 abilities playing keyboard A keyboardist is a musician who plays keyboard instruments Until the early 1960s musicians who played keyboards were generally classified as either pianists or organists Since the mid1960s, a plethora of new musical instruments with keyboards have come into common usage, requiring aThe main protagonist Phoron is a Dantist working in the Tsuge Divine Music Player Office Although he is the master of the Red spirit, Corticarte, he doesn't have a full control over her (because Cortica always wants to follow her own will) He plays an organlike instrument that can transform into a motorbike He is very kind, but naive and somewhat dense From Wikipedia 楽天市場 フォロン ポリフォニカの通販 タタラ フォロン